It takes a certain fortitude, or recklessness, to work within the world of government grants
The Grant World
It takes a special fortitude (or recklessness) to work within the world of government grants. Assembled teams often make strange bedfellows and are difficult to retain over the course of the grant, which takes months or even years. Proposals are judged by restrictive and arcane guidelines, and are often met with contradictory evaluations.
These challenges notwithstanding, Humanfactors has written, won, and executed over $1.5 million of Phase 1, Phase 2, and SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) grants with our clients from NIH (National Institute of Health), NSF (National Science Foundation), and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). Much of this work is for ELIA Life Technology (see product section for more detail), where Humanfactors is ideally suited to translate the complex scope of engineering, data gathering, and humanfactors research into accessible, compelling progress reports for the rigor of grant reviewers.