Philips Healthcare
Adherence Technology
In a perfect world, doctors prescribe medicine to sick patients who take the medicine and get well. But reality is more complicated. Patients forget to dose, doses have unpleasant side effects, medicines are difficult to properly ingest, and so on.…
Lico Compressor
Despite being one of its more popular compressors, the Lico compressor was in need of a facelift. A new, more streamlined internal mechanism provided the opportunity to dramatically reduce the device’s overall footprint while updating the interface, not to mention...
Philips worked with Humanfactors to achieve a functional piezo-based atomization technology that currently existed only in a lab. Our job was to integrate this new technology into…
OptiChamber Diamond
Of the dozens of products Humanfactors has worked on with Philips, the OptiChamber Diamond may be the most widely used. Our innovative geometry enabled the…
Personal Best
There wasn’t anything wrong with the Personal Best, exactly, but like so many products of every variety, there comes a time when it’s simply in dire need of a facelift. Humanfactors was tasked with elevating the Personal Best from…
Sidestream Nebulizer
Philips often relied upon Humanfactors to devise innovative means for tackling an ever-expanding collection of design and engineering problems. In the case of Sidestream (a compressor-based, handheld breathing apparatus) the challenge was in developing an intuitive dose-loading technique.…