Technology for compliance & wellness
Adherence Technologies
In a perfect world, doctors prescribe medicine to sick patients who take the medicine and get well. But reality is more complicated. Patients forget to dose, doses have unpleasant side effects, medicines are difficult to properly ingest, and so on.
To make medicine more effective—for doctors and patients—Humanfactors has worked with Philips in developing medical device sensors whose application enables doctors to better understand a patient's medicinal compliance. Achieving effective compliance is accomplished by combining cutting-edge sensors capable of graphing real-time data to intuitive custom software specifically designed to accurately track, measure, and assess patients' behavior as it pertains to their personal dosing regimens and behaviors.
Despite its small size, Humanfactors was able to
design inside the module a one-way inhalation
valve, an IR Sensor, a microprocessor, an
accelerometer, a load cell, a Philips Circonflex
MEMS-type flow sensor, and audio and visual
outputs. We developed this complex system
of sensors to work in tandem in order to monitor
patient performance during dosing.